Wednesday, August 19, 2009


现在已经是八月了,离 trials 的时间也是仅仅的3个星期罢了。 我知道我该读书了,但心却想被丢向那无止尽的大海,四处漂流。




Sunday, August 02, 2009

WOW! It's August

WAW! Amazingly I've been surviving in SAM (Self Abuse Matriculation). I know this might not be the worse nightmare in life but for a 18 year old girl, it is quite a big achievement. I've already reach the preparation stage for my final exam and collecting my last few internal assessment marks. And as things go along, it just get harder and harder.

This week itself I'm going to have my Legal Studies Extended Response Test 3 and MOOT COURT is starting on FRIDAY!! OMG, I'm so freaking out because I'm 100% not prepared... Erm, expect for the dressing part. I've volunteer to be the prosecutor of the case- the robbery case. Sounds cool huh? You ain't know what work is waiting for you man! Trying to figuring out what to charge the accuses is already a challenge. Next up, you have to prepare everything, yes, I meant everything you need to argue in court- showing your evidence, examine your witness, beware of inadmissible evidence, etc, etc...... the list is like never ending!!!

Why did I get myself into this trouble? Because I want to testify do I really wanna to a law degree. So, this is the best time for me to figure out should I do law.... =)

Question for you: ' Cheryl is doing a law degree.' - Does that sound weird to you??