Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank You!

I logged in to my friendster and

did check out the pictures that I uploaded last time

and this really hold my breath,

and think,

how wonderful my secondary life was,

because I have friends,like you,

that made my journey something special and meaningful,

to be part of my greatest memories of all,

that I may retell to my kids in future,


Thank you Jing,
to be part of my memories,
its been a really special opportunity in my life,
to be able to go through all kinds of bitter sweet with you,
you're truely a sweetest person I've ever met,
and I wanna tell you I'll be there for you,
I'm not lesbian, but just wanna let you know,
that I really sayang you...
love ya dear!

I Miss You so much!!!
sob sob...
don't you ever dare to forget about me!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Passionate to be a leader?

I went to some friends blogs, and I found many of them is passionate about something... but in deep I don't think I'm passionate about anything.... really.... not ANYTHING....

Lately, I've always been thinking about what should I study, who should I be, where should I head to during SAM and after SAM, and most importantly, WHO AM I? I don't even know what I'm worth.... sounds quite dummy but there's a little voice that tells me that I want to be someone BIG, someone SPECIAL, someone INFLUENTIAL ... but I don't know where and when will I'm going to be able all these 'dreams' but I think that makes me a L-E-A-D-E-R.

There's always new opportunity pops out in my life, lately, for example, today, there's a MODELING SEARCH competition or hunt camp sort of thing... of course people will ask someone that is tall... like me... btw the objective of the event is to start off a star life.... I don't know do I have a star quality, but I like to sing. live had not pulled me out from music, but did made me being outdated... another very good reason for me not going to this is I don't have the popularity as a star or someone popular, I was never a popular person....

How am I going to be a leader? I don't know, at least that's the most I could think out of myself.... for now, I can only work hard enough to get myself get out of this country, by a scholarship, or else I don't think I will have any chance to open my eyes and learn what's life or more importantly, how I want my life to be... I WANT SCHOLARSHIP!!! or I should say

Friday, February 13, 2009


我就要 勇敢往前
过往的伤痛 不再理会
无法再用力挣扎 屏着呼吸

我就要 勇敢往前
闭上眼 不让自己流泪
翻开美丽的日记 重新准备



  1. 看着2008年的Fourian Magazine,真的真的很伤心,里面竟然一个华文文章都没有。。。Ainaa 还称呼我是 Head Of Articles,真可笑。里面我用心搜集的文章一张都不在, 反而那些 ‘她较熟悉的朋友’ 的文章都出现了。。。那当然,我的文章是一定不在的啦。。。对今年的校刊,我只可以说是我最不满意的一本校刊了。 不管真么样,我还是得说一句,今年的照片很有素质,毕竟Ainaa and Farhanis are great photographers。。。 除了这个,我也没什么好说的了。。。 其他的由你自己来评吧!
  2. SAM Student Council Election, 我输了。。。虽然说我不是很在乎到底可不可以拿到 Committee Member 的位子,但看着其他没作 Flyers 而得到位子的人,感觉自己的人气有点差。。。心里酸酸的。。。