Monday, January 04, 2010

I cherish moments being alone =)

I remember back then in secondary school, I was someone who hate to be lonely. As time goes by, I've changed. A year in college really made me change a lot, but, deep down inside, I'm still who I am.

Now, I cherish the moment being alone, not interrupted by anyone and anything. I'm not a writer, but I am definitely a big dreamer. I always have some wild and big dreams (Eg: to start a campaign to stop global warming, coming out with business ideas..... yada yada yada.... and of course, trying to be a composer of songs.... LOL)

It's already 2010 and I'll be 19 this year. It's time for me to take responsible of my life. I don't feel like 19 at all sometimes, as the generation has not nurtured us to act like our age. I have so much things yet to learn about life and time is running short. Before I even notice, I will be done with my degree and stressing about what my career will be. Sometimes I even wonder what I really want in life. To study and get a degree with beautiful results like any other people?? HELL NO!!! It's just sometimes people around me cared about grads so much that I tend to forget what my real purpose of study is. I want to empower myself with skills and knowledge, not merely getting As. I bet that should be the real purpose of everybody studying out there.

OK, I know I'm really getting random here. But just wanna share a story I shared last night.

There are 2 types of students studying for UPSR,PMR and SPM nowadays. Well, maybe it existed ever since. BTW, the 2 types are:
  1. to study and gain knowledge (so when they get in to exam halls, they answer according to what they truly understand.... sounds like a 'duh' question about why is there education right??)
  2. to study and master the exam techniques (sad to say, there are many students nowadays scoring As and now A+ because they know what the examiner wants as a PERFECT answer)
Being one of those in the first category, sometimes I really feel angry for the 2nd group of people scoring As not because they know the subject well, but know what the PERFECT answer is rather than understanding it. I'm just a 19 year old girl and can pin point out what are the weakness of our education system, why can't just those adults sees us?? Well, that a whole different topic to talk.

But after I got through my KBSM stuff and moved on to take South Australian Matriculation (SAM), I felt that those that will survive well must be the 1st group of people ( I bet those that are studying other country's education will know what I meant). Study should not only about scoring As on the paper. I truly believe you can't judge a person through a piece of Q&A. A SMART person should be book smart and also street smart.

So, my resolution for 2010 is to don't mind too much about the grads and focus on learning new skills and realising some of my big dreams. Sounds wild enough to be. Well, basically I just wanna like my life to the fullest.

Song of the day: Light of My Life by Lee Hom & Lara Fabian