Friday, February 20, 2009

Passionate to be a leader?

I went to some friends blogs, and I found many of them is passionate about something... but in deep I don't think I'm passionate about anything.... really.... not ANYTHING....

Lately, I've always been thinking about what should I study, who should I be, where should I head to during SAM and after SAM, and most importantly, WHO AM I? I don't even know what I'm worth.... sounds quite dummy but there's a little voice that tells me that I want to be someone BIG, someone SPECIAL, someone INFLUENTIAL ... but I don't know where and when will I'm going to be able all these 'dreams' but I think that makes me a L-E-A-D-E-R.

There's always new opportunity pops out in my life, lately, for example, today, there's a MODELING SEARCH competition or hunt camp sort of thing... of course people will ask someone that is tall... like me... btw the objective of the event is to start off a star life.... I don't know do I have a star quality, but I like to sing. live had not pulled me out from music, but did made me being outdated... another very good reason for me not going to this is I don't have the popularity as a star or someone popular, I was never a popular person....

How am I going to be a leader? I don't know, at least that's the most I could think out of myself.... for now, I can only work hard enough to get myself get out of this country, by a scholarship, or else I don't think I will have any chance to open my eyes and learn what's life or more importantly, how I want my life to be... I WANT SCHOLARSHIP!!! or I should say

1 comment:

JT4JC said...

hey.. just wanna share something with you.. when i was reading thru ur blog this thought came to my mind.. it went like "Everyone has a Winner and Hero in him or herself"!! so dun worry ya!!Live each day as it is and slowly you will find the hero and winner in you!! :D take care ya! God Bless!!
