Friday, July 04, 2008


Yesterday, I really learned what is 物以类聚,人以群分 的道理。
There was a new girl in class and too bad that the class went so wild on that day!
What's worse is that the girl was from KELANTAN and typical guai guai lui malay girl. I really wonder how she feels about the class. And our kindergarden like class is just so sick. They started to play truth or dare and everybody kissing around and fooling around. Obviosly I'm not one of them but I was really sick to see what happened in our class. Now, I really know why am I not flirting or hanging around like them, because I'm really not one of them. Like what Jing Yi said, I will not want to be one of them.

Plus, it was a stress day for me (Nearly breakdown) but the one that really broke down was Shawn, not me. But I also learned something new, I'm one the kind that stress out and treat my responsibility very serious and sometimes this seriousness make me so stress. Yet, if I'm not the one that is stressing about so many things, who will I be? one of those idiots too? Then the world will not be balance and gain no improvement. Like what Shawn say, 我不下地狱,谁下地狱?

I'm happy with who I am and Iim even happier for having great friends like Shawn, Jing Yi and also Wei Qi that always support me and really care for me. No one is perfect, but together we can make our lifes better. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! muakxx! ^^ Friends Forever!

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