Friday, January 30, 2009

CNY Eve's Steamboat

Everybody seems to be busying on own stuff rather than eating... somehow.... lol...
no abalone already I think that's why.... haha....

Say we are 3 sisters... Ah Ma will love it!! LOL

Wee!!! We have more than we can eat you know!!!

Christal and Charlotte sat on their little table next to the not so big table....
and they have everything ready in pairs!!! Real Twin Twin Day!!!

Our 'tuan yuan fan' actually took placed in the evening because restaurant is opened as usual, so that was a super early dinner, about 4 p.m., if I'm not mistaken. Well, although the dinner made unusual early, we had a super feast! The soup was prepared by our chefs at the restaurant plus Ah Po's super chicken soup... yum yum! We ate abalone first, then prawns, fishes, meat balls, fish balls, sotong balls, sausages, sea cucumber, ju fai (some internal organs of pig's... I didn't eat much BTW) and many more.....

We all Chin's in Malaysia would wish everybody have a
Happy Chinese Niu Year and most of all may the year
bring good health and wealth to all!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today was the ECA Day (Extra-curricular Activities) in Taylors. Clubs and society are all over the place. I didn't expect what clubs to join but at the end I ended up signing up for quite a number of clubs:
  1. Music Club, with Melvina and Melissa
  2. SPA (Society of Performing Arts, which I looked forward to go)
  3. Debate Club (could be interesting)
  4. Leaders Club ( you might thing it's stupid but they provide funds and advice to whatever activities that you wish, isn't it cool?)
  5. Ultimate Frisbee Club (might not go because the practice is in KDU College, so far!)
  6. Environmental Club (A club that I went back and signed up)
  7. Film Appreciation Club (cool when I'm in the movie mode)
I think that's all I've signed up, plus the student council thing... I must be crazy if I attend all but I'll see how things go and decide which to be active in.... love The Big Day!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Forever Busy Life

Life had been busy ever since SAM started and I don't really have much time to do my personal stuff, including my blogging. Although this is what I might need to sacrifice but I think the journey that I'm going through now may be my best foundation to adapt the real world outside there.

I've just finish my Accounting Assignment (Simulation Study) and I feel exhausted, not because of the workload but the work done to correct other people's work. Is not easy being a part of the group that are not as serious as me when it comes to perfection but I must bear with that and to suffer myself, rather my marks being pulled down by others. I guess is just a part of life cycle?!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here In MY Home

Today's the 2nd lesson for Malaysian Studies(LAN) and it really changed the point of view I see this subject. Mr Ikwan showed us this video, Here In My Home which is a video that I knew it but really make me thought of something deeper than that, as a Malaysian.

I'm a chinese that likes Bahasa Melayu a.k.a Bahasa Malaysia. When I'm travelling out of Malaysia, I really feel that I have this hidden duty to promote to the outside world that Malaysian doesn't stay on tree tops!!!

To me, UNITY seems impossible with the input that the goverment enforce into the mindset of youngsters nowadays. I honously don't like the fact Malaysian still faces the problem of RACISM where we still preference ourselves as Chinese, Malays and others rather than MALAYSIAN.

I mix with all races and treat every friend equally. That's what happening in daily lifes of majority Malaysians. I think. But at National level, our leaders and politicions still make the fact that WE CHINESE bla bla bla....

When can they wanna stop using that CHINESE word and perhaps change to something called MALAYSIAN??

In the context of society, this is what Pural Society is but do we want to hold our own race principles and not forming a true Malaysia Society?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fated to be A Leader?

Guess what? I'm the Assistant Class Representative for L2 this year. It was a democratic way of election but I don't know why my name was called and I got that job. Not to say I cannot be but is just that I feel why am I always been picked to be leader? I guess it's just fated that I'm an inborn leader... Guess that a good thing??!!

I guess for those that know me long enough will be thinking... aiya.... cheryl.... knew it la... am I right? LOL

Thursday, January 08, 2009



在 Taylors, 每个人都似乎很强,老师们对我们的要求也十分的严格。 对我而言,这个新世界很复杂,每个人都面对着自己不同的难关,而我深深地感觉到我视觉的渺小。 我觉得自己还没有准备好面对我不确定的未来,但似乎每件事都等着我去处理、去接受。

面对着这些很不确定的心情, 我希望我可以,可以勇敢和有能力去解决。

钱、时间、知识,我是否能握紧呢? 我不知道,似乎和天在进行一个没人能担保的试验。。。我, 说真的很害怕未来,但是我没有时间,没有资格去蹉跎岁月,因为我不能失败。 是对父母的交待,也为自己作出的决定负责。 生命不就是如此吗?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2nd day of college

It's been a long day today.... it started with economics... it was OK.... just simple and nice lecturer, Mrs. Soh... Little bit of intro about the course... hope economics is fun...

then the LAN was kinda not ON today and all of us went to the lecture hall kinda for no reason... me and SuZen meet Kingsley( kinda nice name I think ) and we went cafeteria to hang out before the next class...

English was next up and the mentor of ours, Mrs Julianne came and also did some intro on the course structure....

there was an hour break then and there's where I did a mistake.... Melissa decided to buy her books so I did went to check out with her.... I meet Xavien Ang and his friend.... selling their books and showed me their maths books... it was ori but not fancy neat kind of looking, plus the pass years and lots of notes together.... Xavien's friend sold it to me with RM100... I thought it was a real bargain as others buys at quite a high price.... until we went back to class after lunch...

I bought the 1st edition mathematical studies' text book instead of the 2nd edition... so mine is older... duh.... and thicker.... also the questions are a bit different, according to miss soh la.... now I don't really know how different will mine be....

Legal Studies was quite hectic.... the way MR VJ told us is quite scary.... but the fun part that I think is the Moot Court where the whole class will demo a court environment with judge and lawyer and stuff.... cool huh?!

The last subject for today was the Accounting Studies.... Our lecturer was Miss Sydney Yong... She looks fierce but I think I should be alright with her... she's kinda straight forward type of people so don't mess with her.... She's a Hakka too.... that's was makes me happy and had more attention from her... She assigned me to photocopy notes and now I don't know where should I go to photocopy all those stuff... Sigh... Hope I'll be fine in college....

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sick Week

I think I should delete the last post because that was just the appetizer of the whole flu week. Why must I get sick right before I want to start college.... Gosh.... I got Fever, Flu, Cough, Sore Throat..... ALL-IN-ONE sick!!!! but at least now I'm recovering and hopefully I should be alright by Monday for the orientation....

Oh ya... for those that didn't know.... I took SAM( South Australian Matriculation) as my Pre-U programme and starting on Monday, 5th January 2009. I think that's practically what I'm gonna be spending most of my time with this year...

Don't feel like writing now... I hope college would be fun! ^^