Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today was the ECA Day (Extra-curricular Activities) in Taylors. Clubs and society are all over the place. I didn't expect what clubs to join but at the end I ended up signing up for quite a number of clubs:
  1. Music Club, with Melvina and Melissa
  2. SPA (Society of Performing Arts, which I looked forward to go)
  3. Debate Club (could be interesting)
  4. Leaders Club ( you might thing it's stupid but they provide funds and advice to whatever activities that you wish, isn't it cool?)
  5. Ultimate Frisbee Club (might not go because the practice is in KDU College, so far!)
  6. Environmental Club (A club that I went back and signed up)
  7. Film Appreciation Club (cool when I'm in the movie mode)
I think that's all I've signed up, plus the student council thing... I must be crazy if I attend all but I'll see how things go and decide which to be active in.... love The Big Day!!!

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